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Blog posts tagged
"bare metal"

Anton Smith
8 October 2021

Provisioning bare metal Kubernetes clusters with Spectro Cloud and MAAS

Cloud and server Article

Bare metal Kubernetes (K8s) is now easier than ever. Spectro Cloud has recently posted an article about integrating Kubernetes with MAAS (Metal-as-a-Service. In the article, they describe how they have created a provider for the Kubernetes Cluster API for Canonical MAAS (Metal-as-a-Service).  This blog describes briefly the benefits of ba ...

Tytus Kurek
12 February 2021

OpenStack Ironic, Cinder volume replication and Glance multi-store – OpenStack Charms 21.01

Cloud and server Article

Canonical is proud to announce the availability of OpenStack Charms 21.01. This new release includes: a tech-preview version of OpenStack Ironic operators (charms), Cinder volume replication and Glance multi-store support for Charmed OpenStack. OpenStack Ironic The latest version of OpenStack Charms brings initial support for the OpenStac ...

Bill Wear
10 December 2020

MAAS 2.9 is now available

Ubuntu MAAS

Canonical is happy to announce that MAAS 2.9 is now available. We’ll get to the details of installing it in just a moment, but first, let’s walk through a brief overview of the new features and fixes. Later on in this post, we’ll cover some of these features in much more detail. New features & ...

Bill Wear
8 December 2020

MAAS CLI-only machine deployment

Ubuntu MAAS

Continuing in our series on CLI-only MAAS operation, it’s time to deploy machines. In the previous post, we reached the point of creating and commissioning machines, using only the MAAS CLI. Moving forward, there are two key steps: acquiring machines, and then deploying them. Let’s take a look Acquiring a machine using the CLI When ...

Bill Wear
2 December 2020

MAAS CLI-only machine creation

Cloud and server MAAS

The whole point of MAAS configuration is to get machines deployed. If you read the previous post in this series, you know how to install MAAS and do basic configuration using only the MAAS Command-Line Interface (CLI).  So far, so good, but now we need to enable networking and create some machines. Enabling DHCP The ...

Bill Wear
30 November 2020

CLI-only MAAS operation

Cloud and server MAAS

MAAS provides a state-of-the-art User Interface (UI), which is relatively simple to use, if the required inputs are known and understood. You may be less familiar with the MAAS Command Line Interface (CLI), which is actually more robust, providing additional functionality that’s not accessible via the web UI. In this series of blog posts, ...

16 April 2020

You are invited to the virtual Ubuntu Masters event

Cloud and server Telecommunications

The Ubuntu Masters Conference is a platform for IT practitioners to share how they are solving industry-wide challenges with the global engineering community. These are the real-life use cases they are executing in their professional environments today, giving you actionable ideas to take into your own corporate setting. Join us on Thursd ...

Marcin Bednarz
6 June 2019

Need to set up servers in remote locations?

Cloud and server Article

Use bare metal provisioning with a top-of-the-rack switch When deploying a small footprint environment such as edge computing sites, 5G low latency services, a site support cabinet or baseband unit, its critical to establish the optimal number of physical servers needed for set up. While several approaches exist, bare metal provisioning t ...

2 December 2017

Get Ready For Multi-Cloud!

Cloud and server Article

The future of cloud infrastructure will have organisations using combinations of OpenStack, Containers, public cloud, and VMware to deliver applications. In this session Mark Baker will highlight the best Multi-Cloud practises learned in the field for architecting, deploying and managing scale out infrastructure from baremetal through to ...

Mark Baker
18 July 2017

How modelling helps you avoid getting a stuck OpenStack

Cloud and server Article

Lego model of an Airbus A380-800. Airbus run OpenStack A “StuckStack” is a deployment of OpenStack that usually, for technical but sometimes business reasons, is unable to be upgraded without significant disruption, time and expense. In the last post on this topic we discussed how many of these clouds became stuck and how the decisions ...

2 June 2017

Customising MAAS installs

Cloud and server Article

by Matt Jarvis, Consulting Architect at Canonical Canonical’s MAAS is a bare metal provisioning and lifecycle management system. In this post, we’ll look at customising installs provisioned by MAAS to enable site specific configuration. Historically, the paradigm for bare metal machine installation has been to use a ‘golden master’ image, ...

27 March 2017

Bare metal server provisioning is evolving the HPC market

Cloud and server Article

  In the early days of High Performance Computing (HPC), ‘Big Data’ was just called ‘Data’ and organizations spent millions of dollars to buy mainframes or large data processing/warehousing systems just to gain incremental improvements in the manipulation of information. Today, IT Pros and systems administrators are under more pressure th ...

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