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1506 posts

Canonical produces Ubuntu, provides commercial services for Ubuntu's users, and works with hardware manufacturers, software vendors and cloud partners to certify Ubuntu.

17 July 2009

Ubuntu Flickr photo submissions

Ubuntu Design

The flickr group photos are coming along very well! ( ) Keep up the good work! ...

9 July 2009

Karmic wallpapers

Ubuntu Design

Ubuntu would like to include a beautiful set of images for our users to choose from in our next release. In order to accomplish this we have set up a wiki page to explain things and guidelines for inclusion.In addition we’ve started a flickr group to a ...

7 July 2009

Test drive Ubuntu on your Mac with

Ubuntu Design

During Gran Canaria Desktop Summit, Ivanka Majic, Kalle Persson, Andreas Nilsson, and I had a conversation about exposing designers to the growing momentum behind free software usability and design. People interested in contributing graphic design or usability work who use Macs represent a largely untapped source of talent; I’ve found it ...

1 July 2009

Canonical delves deeper into the cloud, launches Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud services

Cloud and server News

Partners with Eucalyptus to offer ‘private cloud’ assessment, proof-of-concept and support services. Canonical, the founder of the Ubuntu project, today launched new professional services to help and support users building ‘private clouds’, cloud infrastructures behind a corporate firewall. The move follows the technical preview in April ...

8 June 2009

More of Ubuntu Training for Europe

Ubuntu Canonical News

With numerous new government backed Open Source initiatives kicking off in The Netherlands, we’ve decided to lead the way and ensure that Ubuntu training is widely available. Having training locations in every major Dutch city, AT Computing and Ictivity Training will provide authorised Ubuntu training from this summer. The first Ubuntu Ce ...

2 June 2009

Computex sees Ubuntu at the heart of the computing ecosystem

Ubuntu Desktop

Computex starts on June 2 in Taipei and, as every year, sees the world’s PC industry come together to discuss the development of the next generation of notebooks, netbooks and soon-to-be-released products. Canonical has been attending for the last three years and now, if the announcements are any indication, is very much at the centre ...

2 June 2009

Sandisk collaborates to improve SSDs on Ubuntu netbooks

Desktop News

Canonical announces detail of collaboration with SanDisk to better support Ubuntu Ubuntu sponsor and leading solid state drive manufacturer share expertise to provide better Linux experience on both netbooks and laptops Canonical today announced that it has been collaborating with SanDisk, the global leader in flash memory cards, to impro ...

31 May 2009

Breathe icons 1st release

Ubuntu Design

The Breathe icon team just announced their initial release. Check it out if you haven’t seen it yet on the ubuntu wiki or on gnome-look.They’ve come a long way and are moving ahead at a steady pace. Breathe is an excellent example of the ubuntu artwork ...

18 May 2009

Landscape 1.3 now Manages Ubuntu Server on Amazon EC2

Ubuntu Ubuntu Advantage

Announcing the release of Landscape 1.3 – the next version of Canonical’s management and monitoring software that lets you manage multiple Ubuntu systems as easily as one. In addition, Landscape enables you to monitor all your systems from a single Web interface reducing the complexity of managing multiple systems. The theme of 1.3 is Clo ...

20 April 2009

Canonical announces availability of Ubuntu 9.04 Desktop Edition

Desktop News

Faster boot speed, enhanced application suite and more visual appeal — give users more reasons than ever to choose Ubuntu Canonical, the commercial sponsor of Ubuntu,announced today that Ubuntu 9.04 Desktop Edition is free to download from Thursday 23 April. Also announced were the simultaneous releases of Ubuntu 9.04 Server Edition and U ...

20 April 2009

Canonical announces availability of Ubuntu 9.04 Server Edition

Ubuntu News

Canonical, the sponsor of Ubuntu, announced today that Ubuntu 9.04 Server Edition is available to download from Thursday 23 April. Canonical offers assessment, deployment, migration, training and support services to ensure that companies can make the most of the cost-effective, powerful and reliable Ubuntu Server Edition platform. Ubuntu ...

16 April 2009

New, shiny, condensed and hugely effective: The new Ubuntu Certified Professional course

Ubuntu Canonical News

The Linux Professional Institute (LPI) has recently (April 1st) updated its LPIC1 objectives significantly to come in line with advancements made over the past four years. This provides Canonical with the opportunity to readdress the Ubuntu Certified Professional (UCP) certification. As such, new UCP certification objectives have been fin ...