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1506 posts

Canonical produces Ubuntu, provides commercial services for Ubuntu's users, and works with hardware manufacturers, software vendors and cloud partners to certify Ubuntu.

8 June 2006

Ubuntu wins 2006 World Class Award from PC World

Desktop News

Ubuntu was awarded a PC World 2006 World Class Award, identifying it as one of PC World's '100 Best Products of the Year. Winners were announced in the July 2006 issue of PC World. Ubuntu, which has become one of the world's most popular Linux distributions in recent years, launched its latest version on June ...

1 June 2006

Ubuntu 6.06 LTS released

Desktop News

New Ubuntu Release Available for Desktops and Servers, with Long Term, Global Support Ubuntu, which has become one of the world’s most popular Linux distributions in recent years, launched its latest version on June 1 following months of intense testing. The new release is titled Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Long Term Support), and has a specific ...

30 May 2006

Canonical to support Sun Fire Servers with UltraSPARC T1 “CoolThreads”

Ubuntu News

Ubuntu GNU/Linux is First Operating System to Join Solaris on Massively Threaded SPARC Processors Sun Microsystems, Inc. (Nasdaq: SUNW) and Canonical Ltd. today announced that Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Long Term Support), the upcoming release of the widely popular GNU/Linux distribution, will support the UltraSPARC(R) T1 processor on Sun Fire(TM) ...

26 May 2006

German Ubuntu box set announced

Desktop News

In an exclusive arrangement with Canonical Ltd. for the German-speaking market, Open Source Press GmbH, the Munich-based publishing company will release their official Ubuntu Box Set in early June 2006. This official box-set will be based on Ubuntu’s fourth release, Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (long-term support) that is scheduled for release on June ...

25 May 2006

Announcing release candidate for Ubuntu 6.06 LTS

Desktop News

The Ubuntu team is proud to announce the Releases Candidate of Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu 6.06 LTS – codenamed “Dapper Drake”. The Release Candidate includes installable live Desktop CDs, server images, alternate text-mode installation CDs and an upgrade wizard for users of the current stable release. We consider this release candidate ...

23 May 2006

Ubuntu 6.06 LTS Server Edition to include certified LAMP stack

Ubuntu News

The Server Edition of the June 1st 2006 release of Ubuntu will include a mechanism to set up a standardised, certified and supported LAMP server with a single command. The feature reduces the setup time for companies providing hosted LAMP services as well as making it easier for organisations to set up and maintain their ...

4 April 2006

Ubuntu certification announced

Desktop News

Linux Professional Institute and Canonical Announce Ubuntu Professional Certification The Linux Professional Institute (LPI), the world’s premier Linux certification organization, and Canonical Ltd., sponsor of the award-winning Ubuntu operating system, jointly announced the development of a certification exam for the Ubuntu distribution. ...

29 March 2006

Ubuntu 4.10: end of support cycle

Desktop News

Matt Zimmerman, Ubuntu CTO writes: On October 20th, 2004, Ubuntu announced its first public release, version 4.10. This release was accompanied by a commitment to ongoing security updates for a period of 18 months, which has been reflected in the comprehensive set of Ubuntu Security Notices issued since that time. The support period for U ...

14 February 2006

Ubuntu wins three awards!

Desktop News

Ubuntu won Best Community, Distribution and Best Newcomer in this year’s ArsTechnica Linux Awards. We are pleased to announce that Ubuntu has recently won three awards from Best Community of the year Distribution of the year Best newcomer to the community From the article: We didn’t have many surprises. Ubuntu Linux had a ...

14 February 2006

Ubuntu 5.04 released!

Desktop News

The Ubuntu Team is pleased to announce the second release of Ubuntu, codenamed “The Hoary Hedgehog Release”. Ubuntu is a Linux distribution for the desktop or the server that includes all of Debian as well as most of the packages of, with a fast and easy install, regular releases (every six months), a tight ...

14 February 2006

Ubuntu 5.10 released

Desktop News

The Ubuntu team is proud to announce Ubuntu 5.10. This is the official Ubuntu 5.10 release, and includes installation CDs, live CDs, and combination DVDs for three architectures. Ubuntu is a Linux distribution for your desktop or server, with a fast and easy install, regular releases, a tight selection of excellent packages installed by d ...

14 February 2006

Ubuntu certified for IBM’s DB2

Desktop News

Ubuntu is moving into Enterprise computing with IBM’s certification of Ubuntu as “Ready for IBM DB2 Software for Linux”. Ubuntu has successfully gone through the stringent process whereby IBM ensures that DB2 Universal Database for Linux operates in the Ubuntu environment. By working closely together, IBM and Ubuntu have shown that DB2 UD ...