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1504 posts

Canonical produces Ubuntu, provides commercial services for Ubuntu's users, and works with hardware manufacturers, software vendors and cloud partners to certify Ubuntu.

4 December 2014

Canonical and Data Foundry to provide hosted private cloud

Cloud and server News

Canonical announces a partnership with Data Foundry, a leading provider of global data centre, colocation and managed services, to offer a fully managed private cloud service powered by OpenStack. The service will be hosted in Data Foundry’s premium data centres and global colocation facilities and operated by its experienced team. The of ...

25 November 2014

Got 64-bit ARM Hardware?

Cloud and server Article

ARMv8 X-Gene X-C1 Development Systems, powered by Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, now available through Applied Micro’s developer enablement program. One of the hottest topics to emerge in the scale-out server space is the ARM-based server. These highly integrated systems, powered by CPUs which are in effect complete Systems-on-a-Chip, bring the promis ...

21 November 2014

Turbo Charge Your PHP Application with TurboLAMP.

Cloud and server Article

Are you working on Cloud, Mobile and Big Data solutions that rely on PHP? Ubuntu on POWER can help turbo charge your LAMP stack. Working closely with IBM and our partners, we have what we believe is a compelling solution called TurboLAMP. You can have the opportunity to “test drive” the TurboLAMP stack with your ...

20 November 2014

MAAS 1.7: one MAAS, multiple operating systems

Cloud and server Article

A few weeks ago, we released Ubuntu 14.04 LTS for servers and cloud, which included a beta version of Metal-As-A-Service (MAAS) 1.7. Today, we are delighted to release this version for general availability. The flagship new feature is that MAAS is now able to provision all major server operating systems. Together with its support for ...

14 November 2014

Bare-metal magic at the Open Compute Summit

Cloud and server Videos

In the week before the OpenStack Summit, Mark Shuttleworth was a keynote speaker at the Open Compute Summit (OCP) in Paris. Mark gave an overview of the evolution of bare-metal systems, especially in the context of scale-out workloads. The highlight of the speech however, were the live demos he gave. The first demo was a ...

13 November 2014

Community interview: Victor Thompson and Andrew Hayzen

Ubuntu Featured

Victor and Andrew are two inspiring Community developers that have devoted their spare time to contribute to the Ubuntu Touch Music App team. I sat down with them during the Washington Device Sprint in October where they told us how they drew inspiration from the Design Team, and what drives them to contribute to Ubuntu. ...

6 November 2014

Putting your OpenStack on autopilot

Cloud and server Article

Thanks for your interest in Ubuntu OpenStack. Canonical has sunsetted OpenStack Autopilot and replaced it with conjure-up. We welcome you to visit our OpenStack product page to find an Ubuntu OpenStack solution that meets your needs.   Download your personal cloud architect Last week, we released the Canonical Distribution of Ubuntu OpenS ...

4 November 2014

Community interview: Riccardo Padovani and Filippo Scognamiglio

Ubuntu Design

We sat down with some of Ubuntu’s unsung Community heroes at the recent Devices Sprint in Washington D.C. Riccardo and Filippo are two young and passionate developers who have adapted their own software to benefit the whole of the Ubuntu Community. We spoke about how and why they contribute to Ubuntu, and what motivates them to ...

3 November 2014

Certified Ubuntu images available on Google Cloud Platform

Cloud and server News

Canonical, working with Google, today is launching the public beta of Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, 12.04 LTS and 14.10 on Google Cloud Platform. Google Cloud Platform is a collection of cloud services that allows customers to create anything from simple websites to complex applications. Starting today, it is possible to select optimised, up to date, ...

3 November 2014

Extreme OpenStack

Cloud and server Article

Extreme OpenStack From instant solutions for big data and platform-as-a-service (PaaS) to a revolution in container technology and the easiest way to build an OpenStack cloud, we will show you exactly why we are the leaders in scale-out technology. Come and see us at the Paris OpenStack Summit › Mark Shuttleworth Keynote Watch Mark Shuttl ...

31 October 2014

Washington Devices Sprint

Ubuntu Featured

Introducing myself as the new and only content designer in the Design Team, I dived head first into the world of developers, designers and Ubuntu Community members to better understand how open source works, and the passion behind making Ubuntu great. This post features highlights from the sprint and an interview with UX designers Olga ...

30 October 2014

Atomia bundles Canonical’s BootStack to deliver a fully managed solution for the hosting industry

Cloud and server News

We are pleased to announce Atomia AB as the newest member of our Reseller Programme.  This programme lets solution providers integrate Canonical’s best-of-breed products and services as part of their portfolio, offering customers the best OpenStack experience. As part of the programme, Atomia will offer its customers Canonical’s BootStack ...