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1505 posts

Canonical produces Ubuntu, provides commercial services for Ubuntu's users, and works with hardware manufacturers, software vendors and cloud partners to certify Ubuntu.

21 June 2013

Solving multiple calendar views

Ubuntu User Experience

One of the key challenges with designing calendar applications is the number of ways you can display your time, whether it’s by year, month, week or day. After a lot of good old fashioned hard work, we refactored navigation by making the tab header the key to switching between views. Although the direction I’ll take ...

18 June 2013

Formation of Carrier Advisory Group for Ubuntu mobile development

Phone and tablet News

Canonical announces Carrier Advisory Group (CAG) with founding members: Deutsche Telekom, Everything Everywhere, Korea Telecom, Telecom Italia, LG UPlus, Portugal Telecom, SK Telecom and the leading Spanish international carrier. CAG is a forum for mobile operators to influence the development of Ubuntu for smartphones. Canonical today an ...

12 June 2013

Canonical and Autonomic Resources partner to bring Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud to the US federal government

Cloud and server News

Canonical and Autonomic Resources today announced the availability of an integrated product based on Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud (UEC) and Dell Blade server hardware under the ARC-P cloud product family. ARC-P-UEC is now available for purchase as single SKU on Autonomic’s GSA Schedule 70 contract. UEC has proved very popular with private comp ...

7 June 2013

Ubuntu and OpenStack

Cloud and server Videos

Ubuntu and OpenStack. Find out what makes the partnership so important. ...

5 June 2013

Credit card as organisational changer

Cloud and server Article

Why scale out matters Beware the credit card It’s just a little piece of plastic. Yet any part of your organisation can use it to buy infrastructure on demand, in a public cloud, right now. And that’s dangerous. Say marketing want to run a campaign, and they have a rough idea of the IT resources ...

24 May 2013

Motion Graphics Presentation for Ubuntu Mobile

Ubuntu User Experience

This is a presentation of our ‘Paper’ Motion theme for Ubuntu Mobile. The theme is informed by the ‘paper’ graphic style of the mobile OS and we have sought to accentuate it wherever possible. Rather than using more overt effects like page curling and folding, we have hinted at the theme by using multiple layers, ...

21 May 2013

Cyberport offers innovative cloud-based services for Hong Kong’s technology entrepreneurs

Cloud and server Case study

OpenStack and Ubuntu provide secure, cost-effective cloud infrastructure Summary To give local start-ups and entrepreneurs access to infrastructure and services on demand, Hong Kong’s digital community Cyberport built a new, open-source cloud computing environment on OpenStack and Ubuntu. Following 18 months of development effort, the Cyb ...

20 May 2013

Ubuntu 13.04 brings dramatic graphical performance enhancements

Desktop News

Ubuntu 13.04 includes the Developer Preview SDK for developers to build native applications for Ubuntu devices. ...

16 May 2013

Shorts, the RSS reader app

Ubuntu Notes

As you can see in the image above, I have spent some time looking at different types and contexts of reading, trying to understand what the reading experience might be for Ubuntu. The contexts of reading varies from libraries to magazine stands to the sofa in your lounge, and these each have an impact on ...

1 May 2013

Weather & Clock app visual exploration

Ubuntu Notes

Thank you for all your positive feedback after our first blog post. We are very excited and are continuing with the designs, here’s a quick update on how we’re getting on. During the last few weeks we have been looking at the development of the weather and clock apps. We are also looking at set ...

26 April 2013

Ubuntu 13.04 in context

Cloud and server Article

The past couple of years have seen a fundamental shift in the way enterprise IT is done. This trend started with the consumerisation of corporate devices, and the gradual introduction of BYOD policies. This has paved the way to the “user voice” being heard more than ever. We’re seeing this trend continuing into the backend ...

26 April 2013

Responding to orientation

Ubuntu Notes

We have just published a new chapter on our App Design Guides : how to handle orientation. To cater for the different orientations of a range of touch devices, we need to design apps for Ubuntu in a responsive way. Phone orientations The primary orientation for an app on the phone is portrait. Consider using landscape orientation when we ...