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1506 posts

Canonical produces Ubuntu, provides commercial services for Ubuntu's users, and works with hardware manufacturers, software vendors and cloud partners to certify Ubuntu.

19 April 2012

Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Server to be certified, supported on HP ProLiant systems

Ubuntu News

Companies to target hyperscale, cloud and big data customers Canonical today announced the imminent certification and support of Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, a leading Linux-based server operating system, on select HP ProLiant servers. Ubuntu drivers and management software delivered by HP will be included as part of HP ProLiant hardware warranty su ...

19 April 2012

Watch out for Ubuntu! The E-Pebble smartwatch

Ubuntu Design

In the year 2000 IBM showed off the WatchPad, a computer on your wrist, but one perhaps ahead of its time and still needing a little bit of design-love. Of course, we love highlighting beautiful design when it does finally come along, and in the last few days the beautiful Pebble smartwatch has appeared over ...

19 April 2012

Berlin: Typobau: Ubuntu Arabic Ausstellung/Exhibition

Ubuntu Research

Some of original sketches for Ubuntu Arabic are about to go on display in Berlin! We’ve talked before about the work done by Rayan Abdullah on drawing and designing the original calligraphy behind the Ubuntu Arabic for the Ubuntu Font Family and from tomorrow you will be able to see that work for yourself. Until ...

16 April 2012

Configuring Keystone in OpenStack (Essex)

Cloud and server White paper

Keystone is an identity service written in Python that provides a pluggable back end, designed to support various protocols for authentication and authorisation (Basic Auth, OAuth, and OpenID, to give a few examples). Simply put, it allows clients to obtain security tokens to access different cloud services. Keystone was spawned from the ...

13 April 2012

Canonical’s AWSOME bridges Amazon and OpenStack clouds

Cloud and server Article

Canonical’s AWSOME bridges Amazon and OpenStack Clouds Canonical today released for beta testing a new cloud proxy, providing APIs for OpenStack that are also common to Amazon’s EC2 and AWS public cloud services. The proxy, called “Any Web Service Over Me” (AWSOME), simplifies the deployment of hybrid cloud workloads across AWS and OpenSt ...

4 April 2012

“Metal as a Service” provisioning tool from Canonical in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS beta

Cloud and server News

MAAS enables system administrators to provision hyperscale deployments of physical servers, bringing cloud-like semantics for on-demand capacity to the physical server provisioning process. MAAS is designed for horizontally scaled environments such as big data workloads and internal clouds, but works just as well for any cloud-like deploy ...

2 April 2012

Ubuntu big data environment provides new insight into music industry trends

Cloud and server Case study

Innovative London tech company Music Metric enables a comprehensive, up-to-the-hour view of artists’ popularity Summary Music Metric, an innovative London technology company, provides unique insight for music industry players and artists. It does this by analysing vast quantities of online data from music download sites, social networks, ...

2 April 2012

Mercadolibre builds 1,000-node Ubuntu cloud for IT on demand

Cloud and server Case study

Ubuntu and AWS cloud used to capture, protect and monetise data across platforms Summary Mercadolibre has risen to prominence as Latin America’s leading e-commerce and auction site. Founded in 1999 with a handful of employees, it is now the eighth-largest online retailer, handling up to two million site requests per minute and four millio ...

29 March 2012

Ubuntu User Surveys 2012 – Part 4 and Final

Ubuntu open source

I wanted to know what the reasons were for people choosing Ubuntu. After all there are other better-known choices out there. For the respondents across all three surveys, open source stood out as the key attribute, true whatever the age of the respondents and whenever they adopted Ubuntu. Curiosity was almost equally as important, and ...

27 March 2012

Ubuntu User Surveys 2012 – Part 3

Ubuntu Canonical News

So as promised let’s take a look a the next set of results from the Ubuntu Survey.  I am going to bundle together the broader world of Ubuntu looking at other OSes people use, Ubuntu One usage, whether people are interested in the new products announced and likelihood to purchase Ubuntu pre-installed. As usual where ...

23 March 2012

The Pangolin wallpaper selection takes flight

Ubuntu Article

For another cycle a selection of images has been put forward for inclusion in Ubuntu. As there have been some questions on other blogs about the process I thought it was worth doing a quick refresher. Each release we ask the community contributors whose images were included in the last release if they’d like to ...

22 March 2012

Ubuntu User Surveys 2012 – Part 2

Ubuntu Canonical News

Yesterday we looked at the demographics of the respondents to the survey and some observations about the validity of the date. I recommend you read that post first. Today though we are going to dive a little more into how people first discovered Ubuntu and installed it. How long have you used Ubuntu? I wanted ...