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1506 posts

Canonical produces Ubuntu, provides commercial services for Ubuntu's users, and works with hardware manufacturers, software vendors and cloud partners to certify Ubuntu.

20 December 2011

Improving the Multi-Monitor Experience in Ubuntu

Ubuntu Design

Over the past few months we have been working on improving the multi-monitor experience in Ubuntu. We took the opportunity at UDS in November to get some feedback on a prototype, which shows how we are planning to develop the multi-monitor experience over the next few cycles: Here is a short video of the prototype ...

19 December 2011

Vodacom Success !

Ubuntu Partners

Canonical launched Ubuntu at retail with Vodacom in October, and the Vodacom Webbook – embedded with Ubuntu – is currently available to buy in over 1,200 stores in South Africa. The product has been selling well and over the coming weeks is expected to be one of the ‘must have’ Christmas gifts for this year. ...

12 December 2011

Ubuntu Hardware Summit 2011

Ubuntu Desktop

Last week saw the third annual Ubuntu Hardware Summit (UHS) taking place in Taipei. With over two hundred attendees present, the show is fast becoming one of the must-attend events within the software, ODM and OEM environments across Taiwan. With standing room only at the back of the room during the Keynote speech, Canonical set ...

9 December 2011

Interview with Mr.doob

Ubuntu Design

In the following months we are going to invite inspiring artists to talk about their amazing work and the role that Ubuntu and free software cover, or could cover, in their creative lives. Today I invited a special Ubuntu friend to talk about his journey in creative coding. He is well known in the web ...

2 December 2011

Learn more about Juju – Join Mark Shuttleworth Thursday 8th December at 3pm GMT

Ubuntu Server

Juju is Devops Distilled Cloud deployment is different. It involves tighter devops handovers, the ability to scale services both up and down, and hybrid cloud computing: moving services between your private cloud and multiple public cloud providers. Accelerated provisioning through IAAS has put the spotlight on friction in the deployment, ...

1 December 2011

Убу́нту Моно: «Г» «Њ њ Љ љ» «Ђ ђ Ћ ћ»

Ubuntu Research

Amélie Bonet at Dalton Maag has drawn up redesigns for a number of the Cyrillic and Serbian/Balkans characters that weren’t as clear, or ideal as they could have been. If you use these characters, please help give feedback about whether the suggested improvements are sufficient, or whether they could be improved further. For Greek, ther ...

21 November 2011

Five Golden Rules for a Successful Ubuntu Desktop Migration

Ubuntu Services

So, you like the idea of deploying an Ubuntu desktop to all or some of your users. You like the way Ubuntu’s light-client model can give  your older desktop machines a new lease of life. You like the fact that Ubuntu is secure, portable, and easy to manage. Best of all, you like that it ...

21 November 2011

Building a Precise Pangolin: A summary of UDS success

Ubuntu Server

The Ubuntu Developer Summit – UDS – is a major event in the Canonical calendar. Taking place every six months, it is the Ubuntu event which defines the focus and plans for our up-coming version of Ubuntu. In the first week of November, over 800 people, from Canonical engineers and employees, Ubuntu community members, partners, ...

18 November 2011

Ubuntu launches at retail in Portugal with ASUS

Ubuntu Partners

As of this week, Ubuntu is now on sale in over 100 retail outlets in Portugal. Preloaded on the new ASUS Eee PC 1215P, Ubuntu is available to buy in over 100 Vobis and Worten stores (part of the Sonae group) across the country|31|36905&c=2655842. The Eee PC has a slim, lightweigh ...

16 November 2011

Ubuntu Phone, Tablet and TV – discussion opened

Ubuntu Research

Big thanks to everyone who turned up at the Ubuntu Developer Summit in Orlando to discuss Ubuntu’s future on new devices! Now, following Mark Shuttleworth’s keynote announcement and a number of initial UDS sessions on tablets, TVs and smartphones, we are setting up new channels to pick up the conversation. We’ve got three new mailing list ...

16 November 2011

Getting in touch with us

Ubuntu Design

During the past UDS’ we have been repeatedly asked a better way to be reached. There are many reasons why a community member could feel the need of contacting us, and we are more than happy to hear and help if possible! As follow up we are looking into restructuring our communication channels so that ...

15 November 2011

Ubuntu Hardware Summit 2011 December 8th, Taipei

Ubuntu Server

This year’s Ubuntu Hardware Summit (UHS) will take place on December 8th at the Grand Victoria Hotel in Taipei. You can register your place at Building on the success of 2010 (with over 200 attendees), the 2011 Ubuntu Hardware Summit promises to deliver more. With keynote speeches from various members of the Canonical t ...