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Blog posts tagged
"Charmed Kubernetes"

Jacek Nykis
20 July 2017

Run Django applications on the Canonical Distribution of Kubernetes

Cloud and server Article

Introduction Canonical’s IS department is responsible for running most of the company’s internal and external services. This includes infrastructure like Landscape and Launchpad, as well as third party software such as internal and external wikis, WordPress blogs and Django sites. One of the most important functions of our department is t ...

Peter Mahnke
9 June 2017

Webinar: How to get started with your Kubernetes strategy

Cloud and server Article

On-demand webinar Kubernetes and containers are an exciting and evolving technology which can be daunting for teams and organisations to plan for. As the landscape evolves, building a strategy around containers and finding a good place to get started is a challenge for most teams. Watch this webinar to learn how to get started on ...

2 June 2017

Kubernetes webinar series

Cloud and server Webinar

We have recently broadcasted a series of live webinars on Kubernetes, covering a range of practical topics you will come across when evaluating and using Kubernetes. The webinars include demos on how to set up a Kubernetes cluster, installation, validation, running a test suite and upgrading your Kubernetes as well as Deep Learning and AI ...

Samuel Cozannet
19 April 2017

How we commoditised GPUs for Kubernetes

Cloud and server Article

[Edit 2017-04-20] A careful reader informed me (thanks for that HN user puzzle) that it is no longer required to run in privileged mode to access the GPUs in K8s. I therefore removed a note that previously stated this requirement, and am in the process of updating my Helm charts to remove it as well ...

Samuel Cozannet
7 March 2017

GPUs and Kubernetes for deep learning — Part 2/3: Adding storage

Cloud and server Article

Earlier this week we built a GPU cluster and installed Kubernetes so that we can do some advanced data processing. What is the thing you need next right after you have GPUs? Data. Data. and Data. And technically, if you looked at any of the tutorials for Tensorflow or the recent PaddlePaddle blog posts, you’ll ...

Alexander Gallagher
6 March 2017

Canonical at Google Next 2017

Cloud and server Article

The dramatic emergence of open source software, together with the SaaS deployment model and cloud computing, has greatly reduced software costs for enterprises, but that has also created new challenges. As many organizations have come to understand, Big Software—dynamic scale-out software architectures such as big data, Openstack or Kuber ...

Cezzaine Zaher
27 February 2017

The no-nonsense way to accelerate your business with containers

Cloud and server White paper

Container technology has brought about a step-change in virtualisation technology. Organisations implementing containers see considerable opportunities to improve agility, efficiency, speed, and manageability within their IT environments. Containers promise to improve datacenter efficiency and performance without having to make additional ...

Dustin Kirkland
24 February 2017

Dustin Kirkland: The questions that you’re afraid to ask about containers

Cloud and server Article

Yesterday, I delivered a talk to a lively audience at ContainerWorld in Santa Clara, California.If I measured “the most interesting slides” by counting “the number of people who took a picture of the slide”, then by far “the most interesting slides” ar ...

Samuel Cozannet
15 February 2017

GPUs and Kubernetes for deep learning — Part 1/3

Cloud and server Article

A few weeks ago I shared a side project about Building a DYI GPU cluster for k8s to play with Kubernetes with a proper ROI vs. AWS g2 instances. This was spectacularly interesting when AWS was lagging behind with old nVidia K20s cards (which are not supported anymore on the latest drivers). But with the ...

Cezzaine Zaher
10 February 2017

Webinar: Getting started with the Canonical Distribution of Kubernetes

Cloud and server Article

Discover the simplest and easiest way to stand up and operate a Kubernetes cluster in AWS. Watch our webinar! The Canonical Distribution of Kubernetes is a pure-upstream distribution that delivers you the latest version of Kubernetes with built-in community operational knowledge. In this on-demand webinar we cover: how to set up your own ...

Samuel Cozannet
8 February 2017

Automate the deployment of Kubernetes in existing AWS infrastructure

Cloud and server Article

When I talk about Ubuntu and Kubernetes, and how we deploy the latter at Canonical using Juju, the main question I get is: Can you deploy in an existing infrastructure? Often, existing infrastructure means the VPC and/or subnets that I have been allocated to do my work on AWS. What is better than a little ...

James Donner
3 February 2017

Cloud Chatter: January 2017

Cloud and server Article

Welcome to the first edition of 2017. In this issue we showcase what you can expect from us and invite you to meet with us at Mobile World Congress if you’re planning to be in Barcelona. We share our latest eBook on server provisioning and what Network Admins and IT Pros need to know to ...