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1504 posts

Canonical produces Ubuntu, provides commercial services for Ubuntu's users, and works with hardware manufacturers, software vendors and cloud partners to certify Ubuntu.

29 May 2014

Canonical joins the Cloud Foundry Foundation

Cloud and server News

Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu, is pleased to join the Cloud Foundry Foundation. Cloud Foundry has been a PaaS platform of choice for developers and Ubuntu has been all about developers since its inception. Even before the foundation had been announced Canonical was working with Pivotal to make Cloud Foundry best in class PaaS on al ...

21 May 2014

Ubuntu Cloud documentation – 14.04 LTS

Cloud and server Article

This article is out of date. Please visit for up-to-date instructions on installing OpenStack. Deploying production grade OpenStack with MAAS, Juju and Landscape This documentation has been created to describe best practice in deploying a production grade installation of OpenStack using current Canonical technologies, ...

15 May 2014

The browser is dead. Long live the browser!

Ubuntu User Experience

With the unstoppable rise of mobile apps, some pundits within the tech industry have hastily demoted the mobile web to a second-class citizen, or even dismissed it as ‘dead’. Who cares about websites and webapps when you can deliver a superior user experience with a native app? Well, we care because the reality is a ...

14 May 2014

NUDT and Canonical bring OpenStack to world’s fastest supercomputer

Cloud and server Article

China’s National University of Defense Technology, NUDT, developers of the Tianhe-2 supercomputer, and Canonical, the organisation behind Ubuntu, today announce a collaboration to bring OpenStack to the world’s fastest supercomputer for high performance cloud environments. The new collaboration with Canonical will enable Ubuntu Server, Ub ...

17 April 2014

What’s new in Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS?

Cloud and server Article

Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS, which goes live today, is the third Ubuntu LTS release designed for cloud. After more than four years, we finally see the cloud coming of age, with OpenStack at its heart. Ubuntu has for a long time been the platform of choice for running enterprise workloads such as web infrastructure. Today, ...

16 April 2014

Ubuntu 14.04 desktop: trusted OS for consumers and business

Desktop News

14.04 LTS is a reliable, secure and intuitive release for enterprises, government and education. Ubuntu 14.04 LTS is a cost-effective replacement for Windows XP or Windows 7 end of life. For the latest cloud news, see the Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Server announcement here. 16th April 2014, London: Canonical announces the latest Ubuntu release, 14. ...

15 April 2014

Ubuntu 14.04 LTS: the cloud platform of choice

Cloud and server News

Ubuntu 14.04 LTS is the platform for scale; delivers any workload on any substrate Telcos and cloud service providers trust Ubuntu for OpenStack and public cloud 14.04 Long Term Support release is Ubuntu’s third LTS cloud release London 15th April 2014: Canonical today announces Ubuntu 14.04 LTS will be released on 17th April 2014, bringi ...

11 April 2014

OpenStack+VMware deployment stories: webinar Q&A

Cloud and server Article

Canonical and VMware recently ran a joint webinar in which we shared customer stories from OpenStack+vSphere deployment projects. The webinar was a huge success with over 600 attendees and lots of great audience interaction. If you’ve missed it, watch the on-demand version here. Unfortunately, we ran out of time before addressing all audi ...

9 April 2014

Adding hardware support to MAAS

Cloud and server Article

MAAS and power MAAS, or Metal as a Service, is a tool for treating physical servers similarly to cloud resources. It lets you take a pile of hardware and assign workloads to it without worrying about all the support infrastructure underneath. In effect, you can plug a bunch of systems into a network and have ...

28 March 2014

New committee to make cloud services instantly safer

Cloud and server Article

A few months ago, Canonical started to work with a set of partners to address the challenges around single sign-on for new services within an organisation. We created a committee to develop a solution that would ensure service authentication could happen instantaneously, saving organisations often months in the roll out of new services. T ...

25 March 2014

An Ubuntu PC for everyone in Penn Manor School District

Desktop Case study

Challenge With just 400 Macbooks shared among 1,725 students and ever-changing educational needs, Penn Manor school district needed more than just replacement machines. It needed to provide continuous access to a range of computing facilities – and it needed to do so for every student. Yet the cost to provide new machines for all its ...

18 March 2014

Customer stories from OpenStack+VMware projects

Cloud and server Webinar

Tuesday, 18th March — 15:00 GMT/10:00 EST In this webinar, Dave Russell, Head of Sales Engineering at Canonical, and Ramiro Salas, Global Technology Specialist for OpenStack at VMware, will walk you through some of our “war stories” from customer engagements getting both Ubuntu OpenStack and VMware infrastructure to work together, and hig ...