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1504 posts

Canonical produces Ubuntu, provides commercial services for Ubuntu's users, and works with hardware manufacturers, software vendors and cloud partners to certify Ubuntu.

17 March 2014

Q&A on OpenStack + VMware

Cloud and server Article

We recently held a webinar on “Architecting OpenStack in your enterprise” together with Gigaom, which produced quite a lot of buzz. Our many attendees had a lot of questions which we weren’t able to answer due to time restrictions. We promised to follow up, so here is a list of these questions and answers. We ...

17 March 2014

Juju bundles and Quickstart: create a cloud environment in seconds

Cloud and server Article

A few years ago, the cloud team at Canonical decided that the future of cloud computing lies not only in what clouds are built on, but what runs on it, and how quickly, securely, and efficiently those services can be managed. ...

13 March 2014

New Apps header

Ubuntu User Experience

The new apps header features max. 4 slots that can be arranged and combined in order to fulfil user needs in every screen. Header’s values We want to provide our users with the right amount of contextual information for them to know: 1- Where they are at (inside the app, in a particular view). 2- ...

10 March 2014

Ubuntu 14.04 LTS wallpaper

Ubuntu Featured

Hey For the last couple of weeks we’ve been working on the new Ubuntu Wallpaper. It is never easy trust me. The most difficult part was to work out the connection between the old wallpapers and the new look and feel – Suru. The wallpaper has become an integral part of the ubuntu brand, the ...

6 March 2014

Thanks for all your submissions!

Ubuntu Design

The submissions process for Ubuntu 14.04 is now closed. If you’d like to look at the images head over to the Flickr Group. From here on a group of dedicated and splendid individuals will get together to select the images that are going to go into the next release of Ubuntu. We’ll be hanging out on #1404wallpaper on Freenode and you can c ...

6 March 2014

Loving the bottom edge

Ubuntu Featured

The bottom edge is the most pleasurable edge to use. Grab a phone, any phone, and slide your thumb up over the bottom edge, then back. Go on, do it a few times. Feel good? Yeah, our extensive research suggests this feels pretty amazing to pretty much everyone. Hmmm…. Feels good! That’s why we’ve given ...

27 February 2014

Easy app publishing on Ubuntu

Phone and tablet Article

Developing your app for Ubuntu? Want to understand Ubuntu’s app publishing process? Today we have released a step by step video guide which shows just how easy it is to publish your app on Ubuntu. Jono Bacon, Head of Community at Canonical, walks you through the Ubuntu publishing process for new applications. He shows how to upload your a ...

26 February 2014

Announcing the third Ubuntu app showdown contest!

Phone and tablet News

Today we announce the launch of our third Ubuntu App Showdown contest! We are excited to bring you yet another engaging developer competition, where the Ubuntu app developer community brings innovative and interesting new apps for Ubuntu on mobile devices. Contestants will have six weeks to build and publish their apps using the new Ubunt ...

21 February 2014

Ubuntu looks stunning on phones and tablets at MWC 2014

Phone and tablet Article

The latest development of Ubuntu for phones and tablets is on show at this year’s Mobile World Congress – including the visually stunning “scopes”, a new mobile UI paradigm. Ubuntu has announced partnerships with Meizu, a hot manufacturer of phones in China, and BQ, a specialist European phone manufacturer, to bring the first range of ...

19 February 2014

Canonical announces first partners to ship Ubuntu phones

Phone and tablet News

bq and Meizu sign agreements to deliver and ship Ubuntu phones Online campaigns with bq and Meizu will make Ubuntu phones available globally Strong support for Ubuntu devices has also been received from carriers worldwide 19th February 2014, London: Canonical today announces it has signed agreements with mobile device manufacturers bq (ww ...

18 February 2014

Growing app ecosystem for Ubuntu phones

Phone and tablet News

It is an exciting time for Ubuntu on phones, with the ecosystem growing positively. We are delighted to announce new partnerships across key app categories from those that bring entertainment and productivity, to developer tools as well as partners helping bring your apps to Ubuntu. Our partners will support Ubuntu on phones at launch to ...

17 February 2014

Update on Ubuntu for smartphones

Phone and tablet Article

Everyone is welcome to join our Town Hall Hangout this Wednesday, 19 February at 16.50 UK / 17.50 Europe / 08.50 Pacific / 11.50 Eastern. Just visit: to hear an update about Ubuntu for smartphones and direct your burning questions to the team: Mark Shuttleworth, Founder of Canonical and Ubuntu Cristian Parrino, VP ...