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1504 posts

Canonical produces Ubuntu, provides commercial services for Ubuntu's users, and works with hardware manufacturers, software vendors and cloud partners to certify Ubuntu.

5 November 2013

Canonical keynote: building business value through interoperability

Cloud and server Videos

Watch Mark Shuttleworth, founder of Canonical and Ubuntu, create an entire Ubuntu OpenStack cloud from scratch using building blocks chosen by his live audience at the OpenStack Summit in Hong Kong. ...

5 November 2013

Ubuntu OIL announced for broadest set of cloud infrastructure options

Cloud and server News

Today at the OpenStack Design Summit in Hong Kong, we announced the Ubuntu OpenStack Interoperability Lab (Ubuntu OIL). The programme will test and validate the interoperability of hardware and software in a purpose-built lab, giving Ubuntu OpenStack users the reassurance and flexibility of choice. We’re launching the programme with many ...

30 October 2013

Hit the ground running with Ubuntu OpenStack training

Cloud and server Article

Canonical was the first company to commercially distribute and support OpenStack, under the Ubuntu Cloud Infrastructure brand. Ubuntu is also the reference operating system for the project. Since 2011, we’ have included the latest version of OpenStack in every Ubuntu release, and made every OpenStack release available for the most recent ...

29 October 2013

Hadoop Buyer’s Guide

Cloud and server Article

Big Data comes with big choices, in every way! From the tools you use to the investment you make in people and infrastructure. Although Hadoop is arguably the most popular Big Data platform, there are still many implementation and even more add-ons to choose from. To help you decide which one works best for your ...

25 October 2013

Indented styles and the Ubuntu shape

Ubuntu Featured

Since we released the initial demo of Ubuntu on phones, we’ve been looking at refining the whole Suru theme — the theme on Ubuntu for phones and tablets — and creating visual guidelines for it. Two of the things that we evolved were the treatment of the indented style and the corner size of the ...

23 October 2013

App Design Clinic #3

Ubuntu Notes

Today’s clinic included: A discussion of launcher placement, Brad Well’s Bible app – general design guidance Michael Zanetti’s uAuthenticator app – general design guidance, plus a discussion of naming and how names appear in the dash and in the app header The next clinic is on Wednesday 6th November. We love discussing design, so please ...

18 October 2013

What’s the future for open source mobile platforms?

Phone and tablet Article

GMIC and Mobile Monday are only a few days away, and we’ll be there. Mark Shuttleworth, founder of Ubuntu, will be speaking at GMIC about  “the future of the open source mobile platform movement” during a fireside chat on Tuesday 22nd October at 11:15 am.  Afterwards one of the Canonical team will be demonstrating the ...

17 October 2013

Latest Ubuntu 13.10 includes first step to mobile / PC convergence

Desktop News

13.10 desktop gains Smart Scopes and performance improvements from mobile and desktop convergence effort, paving the way for full converge across all devices. 13.10 includes the first true mobile release of Ubuntu, enabling OEMs, carriers and silicon vendors to integrate Ubuntu for mobile devices in 2014. 13.10 supports service differenti ...

10 October 2013

Ubuntu 13.10 delivers faster cloud setup and management for scale-out environments

Cloud and server News

Ubuntu Server 13.10 is available from 17th October; first fully supported release of the new OpenStack Havana, with faster node installation and a new version of Juju that supports ultra-dense containerised application deployment. Canonical today announced that the next version of Ubuntu for server and cloud environments will be released ...

7 October 2013

Deploying web applications using Juju on EC2 (Part 2/3)

Cloud and server Article

The goal of this tutorial series is to demonstrate the power of Juju service orchestration for deploying web applications and infrastructure services. Juju is a service orchestration framework that is designed to make it very easy for application designers to deploy their applications in an easy, repeatable and logical manner without all ...

26 September 2013

Deploying web applications using Juju on EC2 (Part 1/3)

Cloud and server Article

The goal of this tutorial series is to demonstrate the power of Juju service orchestration for deploying web applications and infrastructure services in the cloud, in this case on Amazon EC2. Juju is a service orchestration framework that is designed to make it very easy for application designers to deploy their applications in an easy, ...

26 September 2013

Wednesday App Clinic – Update

Ubuntu Notes

Over the last few weeks, we’ve enjoyed running 2 Wednesday App Clinics. Thanks to all those who sent us their apps and questions. It’s been a fantastic response! It certainly has helped us to see how you’ve been using the design guides and the components, and I hope it has helped you. The first clinic started ...