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1505 posts

Canonical produces Ubuntu, provides commercial services for Ubuntu's users, and works with hardware manufacturers, software vendors and cloud partners to certify Ubuntu.

29 August 2013

Ubuntu OpenStack Jumpstart

Cloud and server Article

On-site Canonical engineers will help you deploy a reference cloud for your department or company, based on the same technologies that power the Rackspace and HP public clouds: Ubuntu and OpenStack. Ubuntu is the OS of choice for new clouds, both as host and guest. Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu, has unparalleled experience deployin ...

29 August 2013

Ubuntu Certified Public Cloud Programme

Cloud and server Article

Joining Canonical’s Certified Public Cloud Programme is the only way to ensure that your customers get the best Ubuntu experience in your public cloud. The programme offers a comprehensive set of tools and services to give you peace of mind and allow for a superior customer service. Read this factsheet to understand what the programme ...

29 August 2013

Ubuntu OpenStack factsheet

Cloud and server Article

Ubuntu OpenStack offers an industry-leading, powerful toolset to enable you to build the most flexible and reliable cloud on OpenStack. What exactly makes up the Ubuntu OpenStack offer? How does Canonical engage with cloud providers, and what can you expect from an Ubuntu OpenStack cloud? This factsheet tells you everything you need to kn ...

27 August 2013

Juju Charm Championship expands with more categories, more prizes

Cloud and server News

The Charm Championship is underway, but there’s still plenty of time to get involved. Today we’re announcing the addition of three new entry categories, each with a $10,000 prize on offer for the most innovative bundle of charms. The full list of categories is now as follows: NEW! Continuous deployment – a bundle of charms ...

23 August 2013

Canonical showcasing Cloud and Desktop solutions at Dell Solutions Summit, Beijing, China

Ubuntu Ubuntu Advantage

We’re excited to announce that Canonical is sponsoring and exhibiting at the forthcoming Dell Solutions Summit, August 27-29th, 2013 in Beijing, China. Danica Han, our Director of Cloud Alliances for APAC, will be speaking at the summit about Canonical’s commitment to the Chinese market, how we meet the specific needs of Chinese users and ...

22 August 2013

Ubuntu Edge thank you

Phone and tablet News

Hi everyone So ends a crazy month. We’ve broken records, we’ve been written and talked about across the world, we’ve worn out our F5 keys, and we’ve learned a lot of invaluable lessons about crowdfunding. Our bold campaign to build a visionary new device ultimately fell short, but we can take away so many positives. ...

20 August 2013

Music app: focus on the content

Ubuntu Featured

Music apps that allow users to switch between player and queue mode can be quite complex. Some challenges of music apps in general: Deep navigation through the music library: Home › Artists › Artist › Album › Play queue Switching between play queue and library And a challenge unique for the Ubuntu phone: Keeping play ...

16 August 2013

Usability testing: how do we design effective tasks

Cloud and server User Experience

Previously, Charline Poirier provided an excellent post about how to recruit representative participants for usability testing. To continue the story, we are going to talk about the next stage: developing effective task sets, which is a crucial part of a test protocol. We conduct usability testing iteratively and throughout the product li ...

13 August 2013

An Ubuntu Edge message from Mark Shuttleworth

Phone and tablet Article

Thanks in large part to all of you, the Ubuntu Edge campaign response has been incredible. In just over three weeks more than 20,000 people have backed the project, from individuals giving a single dollar right up to Bloomberg’s fantastic $80,000 contribution. Along the way we’ve broken crowdfunding records, including the fastest project ...

8 August 2013

Crowdfunding-Kampagne für Ubuntu Edge bricht Rekorde

Phone and tablet News

Großartige Unterstützung durch Technologie-Enthusiasten aus Deutschland Canonical hat mit seiner Crowdfunding-Initiative zur Entwicklung von Ubuntu Edge innerhalb kürzester Zeit mehr als 6 Millionen Euro eingesammelt. Ubuntu Edge kombiniert in nur einem Gerät den Komfort eines Smartphones und die Leistungsfähigkeit eines Desktop-PCs. Beso ...

8 August 2013

Ubuntu Edge now $695, thanks to major industry backing

Phone and tablet News

With 14 days to go, it’s time for our biggest announcement yet. From now until the end of the campaign, we’re fixing the price of the Ubuntu Edge at $695! No limited quantities, no more price changes. You wanted a more affordable Edge, and now you’ve got it. How are we able to do this? ...

7 August 2013

Bloomberg bets big on the Ubuntu Edge

Phone and tablet News

The record-breaking Ubuntu Edge crowdfunding campaign has its first major corporate backer, Bloomberg LP. Bloomberg, the financial information, analytics and news leader, pledged $80,000 towards the campaign in exchange for the Enterprise 100 perk, which includes a batch of 100 Ubuntu Edge devices and access to a range of Canonical worksh ...